Here is a thought, after reading an article on the law and several others including one titled “why I don’t tithe“. It is one thing to start the conversation exposing a lie and telling people that you cannot live by the law. It is even ok to base ideas of it like, "well then I am not bound by these things so I don't need to follow them," but Paul finishes the conversation and so should we, all the verses that were given in that article should be read in full context. In our passion we enjoy exposing a lie that held us bound but so many people will stop there and never experience the freedom that comes from the next step. They are free from the world and free from men's laws but only to step into bondage and slavery to other idols (most likely the idol of serving yourself) that can cause real harm. It is one thing to say I am free from law and I will walk in God's love but we cannot do this on our own in our flesh. If law is not our master and Christ is, then we need to have a clear understanding of what that looks like, What is obedience to Christ? What does it mean to be lead by His Holy Spirit. If obedience to the law was REPLACED by Christ then our obedience to Christ is pivotal for the freedom to take root in our lives. I have experienced a whole new level of obedience to God this year and it is overwhelming!
On the tithing issue... At the very worst point of our financial issues I sat and wept to the Lord about our finances and said God (not 10 percent) I give you full control over the finances in our home, lead me into what that looks like, I want to be obedient to you and be free from this mess I have created and the stress of financial opposition. God and I sat down with the books and he showed me what mattered most to him in our finances. For us it included a 10 percent tithe to the Church that was feeding us spiritually. He wanted my faith, not my money, he wanted to see me be obedient to trust him with even a small percent so he could show me that when I TRUST him and OBEY what he is asking, that he is our provider. I know it sounds bad but I don't care if anyone in the old or new testament or if anyone else tithes, All I care is that I am being obedient to what God has told me to do. I am blessed by God's provision and ever since I have given him control in that area he has done miracles in our finances on an almost pay check to pay check basis, or obedience to obedience basis, if you will. I have come to understand that God just wants us to know who he is and if we never give him the chance to be the manager of our homes and we stubbornly insist we know the way than we could miss some very important communion with a very intimate God. I guess my caution is this. To tithe or to not tithe? They are both laws, One says Do and one says Don't. To eat meat or to not eat meat they are both laws, one says do and one says do not. Law to me is a principle that exalts itself as the voice of God in our lives, but we have Christ in our lives to direct us now, so why do we need two masters. No I am not bound by the law. I am bound by Love, (or another word for bound/ embraced) I am embraced with Christ's love. so I will follow his voice and where he goes I will go. He doesn't always go where I want to go, or where it makes logical sense. So be aware that our lists of the things that we don't do because they are law, could become our new law if the reason behind them is just to oppose the law instead of doing it out of obedience to Christ. It would be easier to follow the law because it is a list (although lengthy) written out, and very few laws are concerned with our mind or attitudes. 2 Corinthians 10:5 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" Wow! The law was concerned with my body but following Christ is a much deeper more intimate interaction, it concerns my thoughts, my spirit, and my body. So although living in obedience to Christ is more involved (and at times more difficult) it is more fulfilling too.
So brothers and sisters, you know not to do anything just because it is a law based principle (Laws that God gave in the Old Testament) but are you willing to also lay down all the law that you have made for yourself in your hearts. Often we judge our brothers and sisters rather than love them out of where they are. I am so guilty of this, replacing God's law with my new found insight (my new laws) usually because I see someone in bondage or stumbling over the law and the practical solution is to free them, but be careful not to leave that person empty with nothing to replace it, or to replace the law of God with the law of man. For there is a spirit of rebellion and disobedience that looks for those who are no longer bound by those laws of God. For we could lead them into the bondage of sin and death very easily. No we must fill that empty place within us and others with the life of Christ and the power of his Holy Spirit. We will always be submitted and obedient to something, We are created that way. We are not required to submit to law because of Christ. But he was not just the solution he was the replacement. So all obedience belongs to him now. If we want freedom from sin we go through the cross (not law) but soooo many Christians stop at the cure for their sickness. not thinking about the daily application of whether they will submit to a life of sin and death or to a new life of obedience in Christ. They accept a trade of sin for a life with Christ, but Christ’s work is ongoing just like the law was ongoing. People are so Lazy and think well this is so much better than law because I don't have to do anything, it was so much work to keep the law and now it's so easy. I can just do what I want and their are no consequences. The truth is that it is more work to be submitted to Christ than to follow rules because it is a moment by moment decision to be obedient to God. I believe that our laziness to be submitted to Christ and our hesitancy to be obedient to him is so damaging to our relationships in heaven and on earth.
The message that Law is not the answer should always be followed up with teaching on how to be submitted to God and how to be obedient to Christ, and how to be led by the Holy Spirit. It is so easily cliché to say Love your neighbor and Love God but do we know what that even means?!!! True love lays down it's life!!! True love will go through what Christ endured so that others can know God!!!! True love isn't some happy field of flowers. It is turning the other cheek when we get slapped, it is giving our enemies food and clothing, and yet we walk around saying love your neighbor but most of us have never said more than two words to our neighbors. We roll up the window to the street person holding a sign, We drive by a prison and shake our heads in disgust instead of praying for their souls, we are angry at people in a restaurant when their children are being disruptive, we are impatient when the line at he grocery store is too long. We are not loving our neighbor or our enemy, we are uncomfortable and inconvenienced by the slightest change in our plans. So before we shout it out that we should love God and others we should be aware that their was no law that ever came close to the sacrifice that Christ gave out of Love and no law that is as difficult to follow as living a life of Love and obedience to Christ. We align ourselves with the cross... THE CROSS was a torture device! It was the death of selfishness! A time is coming where the children of God will not be able to say "Love your enemy" with a smile, It will come with great pain for we have been living a very watered down version of love. If we want to share in the cup of Christ we will endure suffering, and persecution! This message is not one that is received well because we live in a world that wants to be comfortable and happy, but to be in Christ is freedom at the cost of laying down everything at his feet. All our comfort, all our ideas of how to do it right or wrong, all our impure unseen motives. All of us poured out for him for that is what he did for us. And this suffering that will come whether we consider it joy or not, we will endure it for that which is set before us! For even in the midst of all trails He is with us! And he has prepared a feast for us. Christianity is about to be purified through trials.
God has prophetically spoke to my heart that what is to come will be confusing to some as it will be in conflict with the false teachings of prosperity. Our comforts will be stripped and all of the external sources that fed us will run dry so that we may draw from a living well. Our Joy will flow from heaven , Our peace will come in the silent prayers of our hearts and our faith will burn in the depths of our spirit. His love will be made complete in us. Do not fear for God will make himself known and truth revealed, Our flesh will cry out for relief but God will minister to our spirit instead and we will know him, his face, his voice, his touch. And we will go out and others will see him too, and it will be a great harvest, a time of reaping not sowing, for he will draw them unto him; a harvest bigger than our lofts can hold for the truth will purge and penetrate the lies of the enemy and his traps will not be adequate for truth will set the captives free!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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