Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Good Shepherd

     He waits… Lingering in the shadow, his teeth are stained red; The blood of many victims. Fresh blood drips down his hairy chin in the place of saliva. He growls at the thought of his prey. A hunger deeper than that out of necessity; a starvation that has brought this beast to crave the taste of flesh. He watches the sun slowly setting, impatient as the last glimpse of light dissipates. The darkness has come, the shadows have become the night. He has come to steal, kill and destroy. There is a fence, a gate, a shepherd and his flock. Pacing the perimeter but staying ot of the sight of the Shepherd this wild creature prowls, hunting and waiting for any moment that would allow him to feast. He watches the Shepherd and waits for any sign of weakness. Will he sleep? Will he allow any distraction from his watch? Will he run in the face of danger? What kind of character does this Shepherd possess? This Shepherd is flawless in his Love for his flock and so he must wait for a lamb to wander from the fold, to a place beyond the loving watch of the Shepherd. Waiting for that moment is torture to this impetuous and depraved creature. His eyes hold a hatred so intense you would think the very existence of the flock wounds this ego driven beast. His goal to steal, kill and destroy will not be easy because the Shepherd never leaves, and the authority of this simple man is apparent in his alert and loving watch. He knows each sheep and has named them all and they know the shepherds voice.

     John 10 describes the Good Shepherd, his sheep and the thief. This Chapter is packed full of relational tidbits. The relationship we have with God is likened to a Good Shepherd and his sheep. Christ describes a wall with a gate and inside the Shepherd with his sheep, “Wherever they go they will find green pastures.” David a shepherd himself describes this relationship in Psalm 23 “resting in green meadows and being led by peaceful streams.” How I long for those green pastures, to know my God’s voice, to stay away from the voices I do not know. There is caution that Christ gives in John 10 not to trust anyone who will not come through the gate (the gate being Christ) but sneaks over the wall. Are their people in our lives that who are uncomfortable with our Shepherd? Do they try to lead us away from his care? For that matter are there areas of our life that we would prefer that God stayed out of, resentments towards others that we would like to hold on to and will not give over to God, Trust or control issues that we are trying to handle on our own? Be careful this is the thief’s territory. He needs to get the sheep isolated and away from the Good shepherd. Christ warns that the thief will steal, kill and destroy. He can not do this if we are in the Shepherd’s presence. Do we know our Shepherds voice? David knew his Shepherds voice. The psalms are filled with truth about the relationship of intimacy with God that he longs for us to have. In Psalm 40 he talks about God rescuing him (a sheep in despair) and in verse 2b he says “He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.” Our walk with God is meant to be stable and sure footed even in the midst of shaky situations. Too many days have I walked an insecure walk with God. I must remember it is my Good Shepherd that steadies me as I walk along. If we are looking all around us for others to steady us then we will be tossed back and forth by the nature of human emotion. If we look to ourselves we will be easily tempted when the thief comes to whisper his lies. Our dependence must be in Christ he is the only one who can keep us safe, secure and full of the fruit of his Spirit. And the Fruit is: Love… Joy… Peace… Patience… Kindness… Goodness… Faithfulness… Gentleness… and Self Control.

     I want a walk like that. I want Love that pours out of me and completes me. I want Joy that bubbles over and gives me a smile and a song. I want Peace that gives me the ability to rest in his green meadow. I want Patience to know that God is all powerful and I can wait on him. I want Kindness that emulates who my Shepherd is. I want Goodness that the enemy will have no ammunition against me. I want Faithfulness that God would know I love him too. I want Gentleness that others would come to know him. I want Self Control that I would be transformed into his likeness. John 15 talk about the True Vine, “You can not be fruitful apart from me.” All we must do to access this fruit is to remain in him. In verse 9 he says, “Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow.”

     Oh my Shepherd, I long to know your voice, to dwell in your presence and to live by your Spirit. I long for your intimacy at any cost. I trust you Lord. I will follow you. Amen

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