Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Spiritual Clutter

Spiritual Clutter

     Have you ever looked around at your home and thought it would be easier to pack everything up and sell it than to clean and organize. Or the thought that with all the clutter building up it would be ok if a fire burned everything up and you got a clean slate at a clutter free life. Although both are extreme ideas, sometimes it is so overwhelming how much stuff we accumulate over the years, it isn’t really a matter of something we did, it is more like something we didn’t do. Stuff just keeps piling up as we refuse to throw away the unimportant. We hold onto things that really don’t have a purpose other than to take up space.

      In our world it is also very easy to pick up and store spiritual clutter inside of us. Our hearts are filled with good and bad and the unimportant. Sometimes it gets so bad that it is like an episode of hoarders and it feels like I would be easier to just pack up everything and throw it out or to ask God to set our hearts on fire and burn it all up. But usually God just asks that we take the time with him to sit and sort. We have Holy Spirit fire moments where we get to have a little bonfire of bondage or times when God just shows up and takes out the trash. But God’s desire is for us to stop the problem at the source and to do that we need to be aware of the constant clutter that this world creates and how to guard our minds and hearts in such a way to keep the clutter at bay.

     Your mind was never meant to be a dump site for garbage and the less we guard against it, the more the enemy can gain a foothold and what started in the mind has now relocated to the heart until we are completely surrounded by the good, the bad and the unimportant leaving no room for the extraordinary. And all the bad inside starts to taint all the good inside as it is allowed to rot inside. If you ever feel completely filled and overwhelmed and yet empty in so many ways it may be time for some spring cleaning. Allow the word of God to penetrate through the chaos and find a verse that can stand at the gateway of your mind sorting through the good, the bad and the unimportant.

  Romans 12:1-2 is my scale.

“Therefore I urge you, dear brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

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